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Record ID: cec05a4e-9f37-4f75-99c7-0bf60783be93
DOI: 10.1177/14407833211031005
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Addressing the silence: Utilising salon workers to respond to family violence
Authors: McCann, Hannah
Myers, Kali
Keywords: Qualitative Research;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Workplace and Occupational Settings;Impacts of Violence;Economic and Financial Impacts;Mental Health;Disclosure and Reporting
Topic: Impacts of violence
Year: 2023
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Citation: 59(1), 104–119
Abstract:  This article examines the role of salon workers in responding to family violence, focusing on the HaiR-3Rs program developed by the Eastern Domestic Violence Service (EDVOS) in Victoria, Australia. Through qualitative interviews with salon workers and trainers, the research explores how salon professionals navigate disclosures of family violence within the intimate salon setting. Participants reported that training alleviated emotional burdens by providing practical tools for recognising, responding to, and referring clients experiencing family violence. The study highlights the intersection of emotional labour, gender inequality, and community-based prevention efforts. While the training provides essential support and resources, findings reveal the broader emotional and systemic challenges faced by salon workers and the need for a holistic industry approach to addressing family violence and other forms of client distress.
Notes:  This research was included in the ANROWS Register of Active Research (RAR). Please visit for more information on the RAR.

Project: Beyond skin-deep: Social and emotional work in the beauty industry

Abstract/project description: Hair and beauty salon workers are in frequent contact with diverse members of the community.

Aims: This project aims to investigate the under-explored role that salon workers play in the emotional lives of their clients. It also aims to understand how salon workers might be a unique avenue for addressing pressing social issues such as family violence, mental health and social isolation.

Methods: Significance, including intended impact, implications for policy and practice: Expected outcomes include co-designed solutions to facilitate connection between community services and salon workers and to utilise salon workers as a community resource, as well as more effectively supporting workers in negotiating an emotionally complex workplace.
Description: Open access
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Completed Register of Active Research projects
Journal Articles

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