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Record ID: 9b036a55-d1c3-495f-b91e-57e1e49a8eb5
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dc.contributor.authorWalker, Kate-
dc.contributor.authorBowen, Erica-
dc.contributor.authorBrown, Sarah-
dc.contributor.authorSleath, Emma-
dc.identifier.citationVolume 30, Issue 15, Pages 2726–2750en_US
dc.descriptionOpen accessen_US
dc.description.abstractThis article introduces a conceptual model outlining the process of desistance from intimate partner violence (IPV), developed through thematic analysis of interviews with IPV perpetrators, survivors, and treatment facilitators. The model encompasses three global themes: (1) lifestyle behaviours (violent), (2) catalysts for change, and (3) lifestyle behaviours (non-violent). It highlights the dynamic and idiosyncratic nature of the desistance process, emphasising the roles of individual agency, external support, and contextual factors. The findings provide a framework for practitioners to manage the process of change, tailor treatment interventions, and establish realistic targets to facilitate long-term desistance.en_US
dc.publisherSAGE Publicationsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Interpersonal Violenceen_US
dc.subjectInternational Perspectivesen_US
dc.subjectPractitioner Resourcesen_US
dc.subjectIntimate Partner Violence (IPV)en_US
dc.subjectBehaviour Change Programsen_US
dc.subjectPerpetrator Interventionsen_US
dc.subjectQualitative Researchen_US
dc.subjectPeople who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violenceen_US
dc.titleDesistance from intimate partner violence: A conceptual model and framework for practitioners for managing the process of changeen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US
dc.subject.keywordUnited Kingdom UKen_US
dc.subject.keywordIPV perpetrator programsen_US
dc.subject.keywordmen’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs)en_US
dc.subject.keywordPerpetrator Accountabilityen_US
dc.subject.keywordBatterer intervention programsen_US
dc.subject.anratopicPerpetrator interventionsen_US
dc.subject.anrapopulationPeople who use domestic, family and sexual violenceen_US
dc.identifier.bibtypeJournal articleen_US
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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