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Record ID: 8522cbf7-ad79-495f-b280-32633e9cc170
Type: Book
Title: Cognitive behavior therapy: Basics and beyond
Authors: Beck, Judith S.
Keywords: Healing and Recovery;Mental Health;Trauma-Informed Care;Perpetrator Interventions;Therapeutic Interventions
Year: 2011
Publisher: Guilford Press
Abstract:  This book provides an overview of the principles and techniques of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). It outlines methods for engaging clients, developing case conceptualizations, planning treatment, and applying CBT techniques such as identifying and modifying automatic thoughts and core beliefs. The second edition includes updates based on research advancements and clinical practice, with new chapters on assessment and behavioral activation. It also discusses challenges in therapy, relapse prevention, and the role of the therapeutic relationship. The book includes case examples and clinical tools for practitioners and students.
Notes:  For access enquiries, contact
ISBN: 978-1-60918-505-3 (Paperback)
Appears in Collections:Books
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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