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Record ID: 3930a92d-36ce-4a23-8598-5f8d433bc185
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Type: Generic
Title: Family violence best practice principles
Authors: Ryan, Judith
Australia. Family Law Courts. Family Violence Committee
Australia. Federal Circuit Court
Australia. Family Court
Year: 2013
Publisher: Family Law Courts
Notes:  Protecting families and particularly children who are engaged with the family law system from the effects of family violence is a priority for the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court. The revised Family Violence Best Practice Principles assists in this task by acting as a checklist of matters of concern to judges, court staff, legal professionals and litigants at each stage of the case management process in disputes involving children. The Best Practice Principles were released by the Attorney-General in March 2009 and a revised version, encompassing both the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court, was launched by the Attorney-General in July 2011. This third edition of the Family Violence Best Practice Principles takes into account recent amendments made by the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Act 2011 (Cth). Those amendments are designed to provide better protection for children and families at risk of violence and abuse. They seek to achieve this objective by: prioritising the safety of children in parenting matters; changing the definitions of 'abuse'and 'family violence' to better capture harmful behaviour; strengthening advisers' obligations by requiring family consultants, family counsellors, family dispute resolution practitioners and legal practitioners to prioritise the safety of children; ensuring that courts have better access to evidence of abuse and family violence by improving reporting requirements; and making it easier for state and territory child protection authorities to participate in family law proceedings where appropriate. The Family Violence Best Practice Principles have been revised and updated to reflect these changes to the law. (Foreword, edited)
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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