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Record ID: c797f1a0-f46d-4ce2-9f77-8972ef8c1769
Web resource:$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:347348/ada?qu=Aboriginal+Affairs+Victoria.&d=ent%3A%2F%2FSD_ILS%2F0%2FSD_ILS%3A347348%7EILS%7E124&ic=true&ps=300&h=8
Type: Generic
Title: Framework for the development of the Victorian Indigenous family volence strategy
Authors: Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Strategy Task Force,
Year: 2002
Publisher: Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and Department of Community Services, Melbourne
Notes:  This publication outlines a framework for the development of the Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Strategy, including an outline of indigenous family violence issues, guiding principles, action groups, and the project management strategies required for implementation.
Melbourne, Vic: Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and Department of Community Services, 2002, 26p
Physical description: 26p
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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