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Record ID: 32833867-0291-4e09-bc0c-21eb77f9aef5
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Evaluating interventions for children exposed to family violence
Other Titles: Program evaluation and family violence research
Authors: Graham-Bermann, Sandra A
Keywords: Parenting;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2000
Publisher: Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press

Reviews and critically evaluates existing research on the effectiveness of interventions with children who witness family violence. Analyses the use of primary prevention programmes, prevention programmes for ‘at risk’ children, selective intervention programmes and targeted intervention programmes explaining their differences and highlighting some of their strengths and weaknesses. The results of the overview indicate that most programmes are effective in changing children’s attitudes about violence, altering children’s social behaviour, increasing self esteem and ability to emotionally disclose and reducing children’s anxiety. Those which appeared particularly effective maintained a strong parenting focus and often included a parenting skills component. Concludes by providing ten suggestions for further research and development in this area.

ISBN: 9780789011848
Physical description: xvi, 317 p. ; 23 cm.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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