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Record ID: 7222b996-b5d9-431a-9e79-225bd423c7cb
Type: Journal Article
Title: Step by step: developing respectful and effective ways of working with young men to reduce violence
Other Titles: Dulwich Centre journal
Authors: Denborough, David
Keywords: Prevention;Community education;Perpetrators;Early intervention;Community attitudes
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Year: 1995
Publisher: Dulwich Centre
Citation: 2&3, 1995
Notes:  Merged with: Gecko (Adelaide, S. Aust.), to form: International journal of narrative therapy and community work
Drawing upon the author’s own schooling experiences at a private Anglican boys’ school in the ACT, this article identifies some of the messages of masculinity inherent in current educational and schooling structures and how this influences our constructions of gender identity, before outlining the key elements of a programme initiated by Sydney Men Against Sexual Assault (MASA). The programme essentially consisted of series of workshops run in schools throughout Sydney but embraced the broader aim of developing partnerships with women’s organisations and affiliated agencies. The specific strategies adopted in the workshops are explained and a summary of their objectives and achievements provided.
ISSN: 14411091
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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