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Record ID: 57e75e31-6f19-4ddd-aa73-589d87831dcf
Type: Journal Article
Title: Domestic abuse as terrorism
Other Titles: Hypatia
Authors: Sloan-Lynch, Jay
Keywords: Theories of violence;Representations of women;Sexual assault;Perpetrators
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2012
Publisher: Wiley Online Library
Citation: 27 (4), November 2012
Notes:  This US article challenges various philosophers’ and feminist authors’ conceptions of domestic violence as a form of terrorism. Sloan-Lynch identifies three considerable problems with this claim; terrorism is seen as politically driven; terrorism requires that intent to terrorise be demonstrated; equating terrorism with domestic abuse may be unhelpful or inappropriate. Sloan-Lynch then deconstructs her own critiques, finding responses to her challenges, and concludes that domestic violence does indeed fit with the tenets of terrorism.
ISSN: 1527-2001
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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