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Record ID: 83eedc85-4307-4a7a-85e1-dd2c5ed9239d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Exploring theories of patriarchy: a perspective from contemporary Bangladesh
Other Titles: Signs : journal of women in culture and society
Authors: Feldman, Shelley
Keywords: Cross-cultural;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Year: 2001
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Citation: 26 (4), Summer 2001
Notes:  Discusses the recent increase in women’s participation in the labour market in Bangladesh, highlighting some of the factors that have contributed to this socio-cultural shift. A critique of some of the assumptions underlying contemporary definitions and approaches to patriarchy is provided as is a critique of assumptions underlying women’s labour force participation. Essentially the article challenges the reader to question whether it is possible to develop a perspective on shifting gender relations which neither disregards nor exaggerates the role of patriarchy.
ISSN: 0097-9740
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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