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Record ID: 48cd91d8-b5ad-48ad-85c9-34bc27c9804d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Finding a job on a TPV: Centrelink, 'mutual obligation' and discriminatory legislation
Other Titles: Speaking out
Authors: Dwyer, Evelyn
Keywords: Refugee communities;Legal issues
Year: 2003
Publisher: Immigrant Women's Speakout Association
Citation: (12), Winter 2003
Notes:  New legislation that has an effect on the situation of Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) holders was introduced in October 2002. Services offered to other jobseekers such as Vocational Training became available for these immigrants. However, penalties were enacted for TPV holders who receive the Centrelink allowance ‘Special Benefit’ and do not accept all job offers, move to an area with lower job prospects or fail in providing evidence that prove they are actively seeking work. This breaching regime might remove the most important source of income of many families.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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