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Record ID: cc1dc35a-9462-4ea5-91a8-d2897087415b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Issues related to defining and measuring violence against women: response to Kilpatrick
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Saltzman, Linda E
Keywords: Measurement;Sexual assault
Year: 2004
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 19 (11), November 2004
Notes:  This article argues for the need of a strategy for choosing standardised definitions and measures concerning violence against women. In response to Kilpatrick’s comments, the author points to the importance of developing and using uniform terminology and discusses the lack of a formal mechanism to achieve this uniformity, and some difficulties associated with implementing Kilpatrick’s proposed changes to existing measures of rape and sexual assault.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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