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Record ID: 00ee22b3-cfdc-4a3a-a477-0f573d3e5000
Type: Journal Article
Title: Methodological issues in the use of survey data for measuring and characterizing violence against women
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Schwartz, Martin D
Keywords: Measurement
Year: 2000
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 6 (8), August 2000
Notes:  Highlights some of the major methodological and ethical problems associated with the use of surveys for studying violence against women. Difficulty defining and operationalising particular concepts such that they reflect the experiences of all women, under reporting, problems with the reliability and validity of various modes of measuring violence in relationships, interference of bias and the effects of question order, context and content are each identified as issues of concern. Argues that given the gravity of potential emotional and physical harm which can result from neglecting research ethics in this field, there is an urgent need for improvements to be made. Examples of current efforts aimed at such improvements and suggestions for future developments are provided.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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