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Record ID: bce218be-319e-4589-ab87-3852575d0888
Type: Report
Title: “Technology was designed for this”: Adolescents’ perceptions of the role and impact of the use of technology in cyber dating violence
Authors: Stonard, Karlie E
Year: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Volume 105
Abstract:  This paper explores how adolescents perceive the role and impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use in Cyber Dating Violence (CDV), and whether CDV results in unique experiences or impacts compared to that of offline Adolescent Dating Violence (ADV). Fifty-four adolescents (52% male) aged 13–16 (M = 13.8) participated in focus groups analysed using thematic analysis. Two superordinate themes identified the role of ICT in CDV as (1) enabling and (2) disenabling potential instigators and/or victims of CDV. The findings highlight implications for educating adolescents about the nature and impact of CDV and for promoting constructive and healthy responses to abuse in relationships.
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