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Record ID: e77b1d83-5c3a-40aa-87f9-8875436812a9
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Type: Report
Title: Engaging with Indigenous Australia: exploring the conditions for effective relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Authors: Hunt, Janet
Keywords: Aboriginal Australians;Community responses;Research
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2013
Publisher: AIHW
Citation: Issues paper no. 5
Notes:  Without genuine engagement of Indigenous people it will be difficult to meet the targets of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG). Indigenous engagement in Australia is not based on a comprehensive legal framework or treaty that enshrines certain rights for First People or gives First People significant levels of control. Recent government efforts to improve coordination and whole-of-government working for engagement indicate that a need remains for:
– greater flexibility in funding arrangements
– approaches towards accountability systems and capacity development that reflect a whole-of-government approach
– greater coordination of and authority for senior local staff
– shifts in bureaucratic cultures to support collaboration.
ISBN: 9781742494982
Appears in Collections:Reports

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