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Record ID: 88908a76-4307-4ee9-9c8f-8c6e03a43a3a
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Type: Report
Title: The WA Department for Child Protection Fellowship to study programs aimed at stopping the generational cycle of domestic violence - USA
Authors: Dupagne, Tanya
Keywords: Service provision;Impact on children and young people;Early intervention;Advocacy
Year: 2013
Publisher: The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia, Canberra
Notes:  This paper reports on the study tour undertaken by the author to the US to research programs aimed at stopping the generational cycle of domestic violence. The author provides a description of the various programs run by each of the organisations she visited and also her subjective appraisal of the programs.

* Project PAVE in Denver, Colorado
* Smart Girl in Denver, Colorado
* Between Friends in Chicago, Illinois
* Institute for Safe Families in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dupagne’s conclusions and recommendations incorporate what she will do to implement the findings of this fellowship in Australia.
Physical description: 38 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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