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Record ID: c509ef96-633c-4f0d-90a2-2afa711817a8
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Type: Report
Title: To investigate men's domestic violence behaviour change programs, particularly effective practice and integration with the criminal justice and human service systems
Authors: Minns, Kristy
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Perpetrator programs;Specialist courts;Policing
Year: 2013
Publisher: The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia, Canberra
Notes:  This report provides an overview of a project undertaken by the author under the 2012 Churchill Fellowship which aimed at investigating men's domestic violence behaviour change programs in the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US). The focus of the study was on what contributes to effective practice and how best to integrate programs with the criminal justice and human service systems.

The author visited men's domestic violence treatment programs, courts, justice agencies, police, victims' support agencies and researchers in London, California, Colorado, New York, and Massachusetts. She provides a description of the various programs run by each of the organisations she visited and, in a 'lessons learnt' section, also gives an appraisal of their operation.

Minns makes several recommendations for consideration by the New South Wales and Australian governments including the development of a formal referral pathway to behaviour change programs, and the development of a model trialling earlier referral to behaviour change programs and monitoring outcomes.
Physical description: 40 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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