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Record ID: cc647d6f-34e2-468e-af02-7871ef10e84d
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Type: Report
Title: Violence against women : an EU–wide survey
Authors: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Keywords: Stalking;Sexual assault;Measurement;Community attitudes;Statistics;Psychological abuse;Overview
Categories: Statistics
Year: 2014
Publisher: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
Notes:  "Main results"
This report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights’ (FRA) presents findings from a survey on violence against women carried out in all 28 European Union (EU) member states. It is the first survey of its kind in the EU to capture the scope and nature of violence against women across all EU states, using the same questionnaire, with the same mode of application and based on random sampling.

The survey is based on a random sample of at least 1,500 women aged 18 to 74 years in the general population in each EU member state (except Luxembourg, where women 908 took part). The total number of survey respondents was around 42,000.

The report also includes the FRA’s ‘opinions’, or recommendations, on policy and procedural issues.
ISBN: 9789292393427
Physical description: 198 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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