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Record ID: d755c070-d867-4873-b312-e93d3b7b199f
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Type: Report
Title: Specialist homelessness services : 2012-13
Authors: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Keywords: Statistics;Housing;Welfare
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Notes:  AIHW Cat. no. HOU 273
This report was prepared by staff of the Housing, Homelessness and Drugs Group of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and presents the 2012–13 data on the use of its specialist homelessness services. It includes a profile of clients and services provided; comparisons of key client groups and other client groups of special interest (families and children, clients who have experienced domestic violence, clients with mental health issues); and analysis of unmet demand for specialist homelessness services.
ISBN: 9781742495316
Physical description: 142 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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