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Record ID: 8a3c2287-27f0-49ca-a3d3-dc25a7ba2e55
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Type: Report
Title: I’m safe, I’m home: Domestic Violence Support, Western Sydney Service : a process evaluation
Authors: Cohen, Gillian E
Keywords: Community development;Policy;Welfare;Housing;Service provision
Year: 2012
Publisher: NSW Women’s Refuge Movement, Redfern
Notes:  This evaluation of the New South Wales-based Domestic Violence Support, Western Sydney Service (DVS WSS) focuses on process issues, rather than client outcomes. Key research questions explored in the evaluation include:
* If the program is to be disseminated more widely, what is necessary for its successful delivery?
The evaluation concludes that the DVS WSS has been a successful and inexpensive program that exceeded its service provision target in its first two years of operation (assisting 282 women, or 4.7 times as many as anticipated). The evaluation found the following factors contributed to the success of the DVS WSS program: a full-time program coordinator; support for service providers to participate in regional coordination groups; individual tailoring of services for clients; and brokerage funds for clients.
ISBN: 9780987424617
Physical description: 108 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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