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Record ID: da203e5a-ca9c-4249-8222-80d79ab37d84
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Type: Report
Title: What works to overcome Indigenous disadvantage: key learnings and gaps in the evidence 2011-12
Authors: Closing the Gap Clearinghouse
Keywords: Indigenous issues;Service provision;Policy
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Notes:  This report from the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse details its findings of what works in respect of policy, programs and service delivery in the areas of Indigenous health, early childhood and safe communities. Each of these three areas is separately reviewed with respect to Research and Evaluation Register items, evaluations of programs or services and heath publications.

Appendices include Clearinghouse publications, an extensive list of references, and summaries of the Research and Evaluation Register items. This Register lists research and evaluation projects across Australia relevant to improving Indigenous outcomes. Its focus is on projects commissioned or funded by Australian governments, including studies of non-Indigenous Australians or mainstream services relevant to Indigenous outcomes.
Physical description: 67 p. + 76 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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