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Record ID: eeec3070-79d7-4588-ac70-88cd1b06a8ea
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Type: Report
Title: Victorian systemic review of family violence deaths : first report
Authors: McIntyre, S-J
Bugeja, L
Brodie, L
Walsh, C
Hauge, S
Keywords: Family violence;Homicide;Statistics;Domestic violence;Women
Year: 2012
Publisher: Coroners Court of Victoria
Notes:  The Victorian Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths (VSRFVD) is led by the state coroner and looks at the circumstances surrounding family violence-related homicides and homicide-suicide incidents.

This is the first report of the VSRFVD and presents significant findings from 2009-2012. The VSRFVD sees its two main responsibilities as data collection and analysis, and in-depth case review. It is hoped that these findings will lead to improved system response and increased prevention of family violence deaths.
Contents:  Message from the state coroner
Executive summary
Section 1. Frequency of family violence homicide
Section 2. Homicide in Victoria: 2000-2010
Section 3. Case review synthesis
Section 4. Focus areas for prevention
Section 5. VSRFVD additional activities
Section 6. Conclusion
Physical description: 71 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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