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Record ID: 76d41b74-28eb-419e-b004-39671f0dcde1
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Type: Report
Title: Connecting services : learning from child death inquiries when the co-existing parental characteristics of family violence, substance misuse and mental illness place children at risk
Authors: Child Safety Commissioner
Keywords: Mental health;Impact on children and young people;Interagency work;Homicide;Risk factors;Drug and alcohol misuse
Categories: People with mental health and/or drug and alcohol issues
Year: 2012
Publisher: Office of the Child Safety Commissioner
Notes:  This report examines the deaths of 41 children in Victoria which had been the subject of a child death inquiry by the Office of the Child Safety Commissioner in the period 2004-2011 and in which the parental risk factors of family violence, substance misuse and mental illness were present.

The report puts forward a model for an integrated practice approach which would improve the protection of children at risk.
Contents:  Foreword
Executive summary
Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Methodology
Section 3: Messages from research
Section 4: Service system responses to multiple risk factors
Section 5: The children and their families
Section 6: Evidence of a multi-service system response
Section 7: A framework for a multi-service system response
Section 8: Conclusion
Appendix 1: The potential impacts on the child of the three parental risk factors
Appendix 2: Key messages from research
Appendix 3: Findings and implications for practice
ISBN: 9780731165391
Physical description: 56 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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