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Record ID: 875f531a-06f0-4588-9b00-7870700d515f
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Type: Report
Title: Local government preventing violence against women : networking and capacity building project . evaluation report
Authors: Murphy, Liz
Nagle, Kellie
Keywords: Prevention;Community education;Interagency work
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2012
Publisher: Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, Carlton
Notes:  This report provides an evaluation of the Local Government Network and Capacity Building Project to Prevent Violence Against Women (LGPVAW) (2009-2011) in Victoria, Australia. The project aimed to empower local governments to share knowledge and develop valuable connections with communities through various programs, resources and crucial dialogue. VicHealth presents a thorough reflection on, and evaluation of, the project, concluding with recommendations for improving local governments’ work towards the prevention of violence against women.
ISBN: 9781921822483
Physical description: 98 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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