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Record ID: 9294f0ee-e5fd-42f7-adc8-cf7d41df6bce
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Type: Report
Title: Report of the expert group meeting on prevention of violence against women and girls
Authors: Commission on the Status of Women
Keywords: Prevention;Policy
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2012
Publisher: UN Women
Notes:  This report was prepared for the 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women. It presents the key findings and recommendations of an expert meeting of academics, practitioners, advocates and UN staff held in September 2012 in preparation for the commission. The meeting focused on the prevention of violence against women and girls, while also acknowledging the need to respond to existing violence.

The report includes a conceptual discussion of prevention efforts and outlines the global policy and legislative framework in which they occur. The recommendations focus on the development of a strategic approach to preventing violence at a global level. They include a proposal for a Global Implementation Plan to End Violence against Women and Girls, to be adopted by member states in 2013 and launched in 2015.
Physical description: 51 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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