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Record ID: da7143a9-2bd2-4763-83ad-fc6f8e4b6a27
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Type: Report
Title: Keeping the child in mind : child protection practice and parental mental health
Authors: Jeffreys, Helen
Hirte, Craig
Rogers, Nancy
Keywords: Mental health;Child protection;Service provision;Interagency work
Year: 2011
Publisher: South Australian Department for Families and Communities
Notes:  This study examines the prevalence of parental mental health disorders in child protection matters. It considers how child protection workers identify and classify parental mental health problems and how this impacts on decision-making. The findings of a literature review are discussed along with suggestions regarding what would assist parents. The paper concludes by identifying implications and future directions including collaborative work across the service interfaces of adult and children’s services and child protection and mental health.
ISBN: 9781921649226
Physical description: 59 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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