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Record ID: 13b12315-0e3a-46b6-9e7d-4eb83c174655
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Type: Report
Title: Improving the family law system for clients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Authors: Family Law Council
Keywords: Family law;Refugee communities;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Legal issues
Year: 2012
Publisher: Attorney-General's Department
Notes:  This Australian report, authored by the Family Law Council, identifies barriers to accessing the family law system for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Barriers include language and literacy, social isolation, lack of knowledge of law and available services, visa dependency and mistrust of government agencies. The report recommends the provision of legal literacy strategies, building cultural competence, enhancing service integration, engagement and consultation, and enhancing the use of interpreters.
ISBN: 9871922032065
Physical description: 136 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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