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Record ID: dd5b72ce-f686-4b81-8992-7266927b32a2
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Type: Report
Title: Safe@home evaluation
Authors: Martin, Jennifer
Levine, Marlene
Keywords: Interagency work;Service provision;Leaving/Staying;Economic costs
Year: 2010
Publisher: The Ministry of Social Development, Wellington
Notes:  Safe@home is a service provided by shine:, an Auckland NGO that works with victims of family violence. The service is delivered to women and children identified by shine:and Avondale (Auckland, New Zealand) police as being at high risk from domestic violence.

* Did the project meet its delivery targets, and if not why not?
* Were the homes safety audited, and what did the safety audits find?
* What were the changes made to the houses, and what equipment was provided?
In addition key informants were asked : "What worked well and why?" and "What did not work well,
and why?"
ISBN: 9780478335217
Physical description: 27 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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