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Record ID: 168e2f4c-51a9-4a03-b27e-71cb7ae28403
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Type: Report
Title: 'We're family too' : the effects of homophobia in Arabic-speaking communities in New South Wales
Authors: Kassisieh, Ghassan
Keywords: Advocacy;Gay/lesbian/transgender;Cross-cultural;Community attitudes;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Service provision;Religious groups;Community development
Year: 2012
Publisher: Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project, ACON
Notes:  This report summarises findings from a study which examined the experiences of homophobia and violence among same-sex attracted people from Arabic-speaking backgrounds, including violence in their own families. The study used a variety of data collection methods including an online survey, focus groups and interviews with men and women, family members, community leaders and service providers. Findings and recommendations address attitudes and beliefs, experiences, issues related to disclosure and support.
Physical description: 68 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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