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Record ID: 76a78c76-f266-4031-8868-9c28e49ca323
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Type: Report
Title: Family justice review : final report
Authors: Norgrove, David
Keywords: Family law;Legal issues;Legislation analysis;Child protection;Impact on children and young people;Policy
Year: 2011
Publisher: Ministry of Justice, Department of Education & Welsh Government
Notes:  "November 2011"
This is the final report from the UK Family Justice Review Panel which was appointed to examine the entire family justice system in England and Wales, including family law, child protection and child contact arrangements. This report draws on extensive consultations and submissions in response to an interim report. This final report examine the system, public law, private law and financial implications from implementing the proposed recommendations. Annex G includes a submission from Helen Rhoades addressing shared parenting, by drawing on the Australian experience.
Physical description: 228 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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