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Record ID: 59e79dc9-fa45-4139-8cef-1c9aa3e26b6d
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Type: Report
Title: Working Together Against Violence final project report
Authors: Durey, Rose
Keywords: Prevention;Advocacy;Community attitudes;Workplaces;Community education;Training;Community development
Year: 2011
Publisher: VicHealth & Women’s Health Victoria
Notes:  A 4-page executive summary is also available here.
This report presents the findings from the evaluation of the Working Together Against Violence:project, which aimed to strengthen the organisational capacity of a male-dominated workplace to promote respectful and responsible relationships between men and women. This involved developing and implementing the Stand Up: Domestic Violence is Everyone’s Business:whole-of-company program. This project was funding through the VicHealth Respect, Responsibility and Equality: Preventing Violence Against Women:funding program, which supports projects that address the primary prevention of violence against women. The report provides a background to the work, describes the project, outlines the evaluation methods and concludes by presenting and discussing the findings.
Physical description: 108 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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