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Record ID: 6b4a9460-c381-487e-a669-499e05012425
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Type: Report
Title: Protecting Australia's children research audit (1995–2010) : final report
Authors: Higgins, Daryl
Lamont, Alister
valentine, kylie
McDonald, Myfanwy
Keywords: Measurement;Impact on children and young people;Child protection
Year: 2011
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Notes:  The report summarises the findings from an audit of research projects and program evaluations related to child protection conducted in Australia between 1995 and 2010. The audit covers a broad scope of topics, including child abuse and neglect, child protection, and out-of-home care.
ISBN: 9781921414763
Physical description: 75 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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