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Record ID: ec9dde4a-eb5f-4ecc-b8f7-efdf8c43c9b7
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Type: Report
Title: Report on financial assistance for victims of violent crime in Ontario
Authors: McMurtry, R. Roy
Keywords: Standards;Criminal justice responses;Policy;Economic costs;Advocacy;Service provision
Year: 2008
Publisher: Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, Toronto
Notes:  This Canadian report, written by retired Chief Justice of Ontario, was commissioned by the Ontario Attorney General to review the role of financial assistance for victims of violent crime. Based on international literature, submissions, and interviews with victims, practitioners, government officials, and researchers, the report broadly recommends the continuation of financial compensation and makes eight recommendations for improving programs and policy. An executive summary is available.
Contents:  letter of transmittal
executive summary
chart of Ministry of Attorney General victim services and programs and list of acronyms
victims of violent crime
impacts of violent crime
needs of victims of violent crime
police and crime victims
legislative principles
United Nations Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power
Canadian Statement of Basic Principles for Victims of Crime
Ontario Victims' Bill of Rights, 1995
current financial assistance programs
policy rationales for financial assistance
role of the federal government
provincial financial assistance programs
operation of the Criminal Injuries compensation Board
ombudsman's report
Victim Quick Response Program
other financial remedies
non-financial victim services and programs
overview of Ministry of the Attorney General's victim services and programs
renaming the Ontario Victim Services Secretariat as the Victim Service Division
VCARS agencies
Victims' Justice Fund
Office for Victims of Crime
victim-centred approach
recommendation 1: continued financial assistance for victims of violent crime
Victim Quick Response Program as model for early financial assistance
financial assistance hearings
recommendation 2: victim advocate
recommendation 3: individual victim assistance
recommendation 4: single application form and administrative organization
recommendation 5: police
notifying victims of services and programs
information sharing on a timely basis
recommendation 6: performance measures
recommendation 7: annual victim services and programs report
recommendation 8: regular review of needs and services
and appendices
Physical description: 112 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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