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Record ID: a2bc3aa5-ebb7-48db-bd95-f671d47bb671
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Type: Report
Title: Violence prevention : the evidence
Authors: World Health Organization and Liverpool John Moores University
Keywords: Early intervention;Prevention;Advocacy;Standards
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2010
Publisher: World Health Organisation
Notes:  This report includes seven briefings on key prevention areas for interpersonal violence and self-directed violence. Each briefing reviews the literature to identify evidence-based strategies and programs for implementing prevention activities.
Contents:  Overview
Preventing violence through the development of safe, stable and nurturing relationships between children and their parents and caregivers
Preventing violence by developing life skills in children and adolescents
Preventing violence by reducing the availability and harmful use of alcohol
Guns, knives and pesticides : reducing access to lethal means
Promoting gender equality to prevent violence against women
Changing cultural and social norms that support violence
Reducing violence through victim identification, care and support programmes
ISBN: 9789241500845
Physical description: 134 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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