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Record ID: a50dbf86-0d57-432d-87e5-376cd6ac9205
Type: Report
Title: Social norms marketing aimed at gender based violence : a literature review and critical assessment
Authors: Ball, Laurie
Paluck, Elizabeth Levy
Keywords: Prevention;Advocacy;Cross-cultural;Community attitudes;Community education;Community development;Early intervention
Year: 2010
Publisher: International Rescue Committee
Notes:  This report summarises findings from a review of international social norms marketing campaigns to reduce gender based violence by changing attitudes and beliefs. The review focused specifically on conflict-affected areas. The authors present a background to gender based violence and the application of social norms campaign theory. Of the 15 campaigns reviewed, detailed examinations of three case studies are presented along with a discussion of effective components and aspects to consider in development and implementation of social norm campaigns.
Physical description: 57 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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