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Record ID: 07df0b9d-61f0-4772-aab9-eb89302208b6
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Type: Report
Title: An innovative approach to changing social attitudes around family violence in New Zealand : key ideas, insights and lessons learnt : The Campaign for Action on Family Violence
Authors: Point Research Ltd
Keywords: Community attitudes;Prevention;Community education
Year: 2010
Publisher: Ministry of Social Development
Notes:  "Prepared for Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, Te Pokapu Rangahau Arotake Hapori"
This New Zealand report presents the findings from an evaluation of a national four year social marketing campaign designed to address family violence. Drawing on campaign materials and 29 key informant interviews, the report includes information about the campaign's key messages, a review of the evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of the campaign and recommendations for future work.
ISBN: 9780478323870
Physical description: 41 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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