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Record ID: 88ceb547-5ec7-46ea-a0a5-a8a51c73f170
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Type: Report
Title: Evaluation of the family violence initiative – multiculturalism program
Authors: Radyo, Vera
Bell-Lowther, Erica
Keywords: Policy;Standards;Prevention;Cross-cultural
Year: 2002
Publisher: Department of Canadian Heritage
Notes:  "Final Report"
"September 18, 2002"
This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the Department of Canadian Heritage Multiculturalism Family Violence Initiative 1997-2002. The evaluation assessed the program relevance; program logic (capacity to produce the desired impacts and effects); program administration and effectiveness; and discusses the lessons learned and future directions. The evaluation concluded that the program appears to have been very successful in reaching immigrants and first generation Canadians about the risk factors in family violence. The report contains five recommendations to build upon the success and to improve future results.
Physical description: 52 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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