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Record ID: b1b80a1a-2cf0-44af-9af7-c417241dfee4
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Type: Report
Title: Supplemental mental health treatment for batterer program participants
Authors: Gondolf, Edward W
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Interagency work;Mental health
Year: 2008
Publisher: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, Office of Justice Programs, United States Department of Justice, Washington
Notes:  "Document No.: 223030"
Overview: This report documents the findings of an evaluation of the effectiveness of mental health treatment for perpetrators of domestic violence, used in batterer programs in the US. The evaluation study conducted included a formative evaluation of the implementation of mental health treatment, an evaluation of the delivering of screening and referral to treatment, and an outcome evaluation of completion and re-assault by the perpetrators.

(i) The study evaluated mental health treatment formatively, in terms of referral implementation. The formative evaluation found instances of disruptive events and inconsistencies occurring at every step of the screening and referral process.

(iii) An outcome evaluation, based on a twelve month follow up with female partners, found that perpetrator compliance with referrals was relatively low. However, the vast majority of those men who did receive mental health treatment reported that it was helpful to some extent.

The report concludes with suggestions for changes to referral processes to improve compliance.
Physical description: 152 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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