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Record ID: e205f5a8-3e1d-4ab6-becb-439c954fd323
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Type: Report
Title: Stories from survivors : domestic violence and criminal justice interventions
Authors: Stark, Tanja
Douglas, Heather
Keywords: Cyberstalking and digital technology;Policing;Criminal justice responses;Stalking;Informal responses
Year: 2010
Publisher: T.C. Beirne School of Law, University of Queensland
Notes:  Overview:This report is an investigation of the experiences of 20 women who were complainants in domestic violence cases which came before the criminal justice system in Queensland.

It documents the domestic violence they faced, various help-seeking options they used, their encounters with the police and the process of attending court.

It makes a total of 18 recommendations in the matters of help-seeking, policing and the court process.
Contents:  Acknowledgements
1. Introductory matters
2. The context of violence
3. Help seeking: pathways toward safety
4. Policing
5. The court process
Demographics – interviewees
Physical description: 96 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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