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Record ID: 5586722f-354c-4af9-a255-b7e02d37b20d
Type: Report
Title: Fifth annual report of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee
Authors: Office of the Chief Coroner
Keywords: Prevention;Post-separation violence;Homicide;Policing;Service provision
Year: 2007
Publisher: Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Notes:  General Overview:The Domestic Violence Death Review Committee [DVDRC] investigates deaths involving domestic and family violence in the province of Ontario, Canada and make recommendations with the aim of decreasing domestic violence overall. The DVDRC is currently the only one of its kind in Canada.
This annual report is a summary of the DVDRC’s analysis of fifteen domestic homicides which were reviewed in 2007. In the main, the report presents case summaries and, based on these cases, makes recommendations to government departments, healthcare providers and the Ontario Women’s Directorate. It also provides a statistical breakdown of findings.
Physical description: 60 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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