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Record ID: 2d84a0bf-087c-43f5-b6c7-d73edcd31379
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Type: Report
Title: The strategic plan for the prevention of elder abuse in Queensland
Authors: Prevention of Elder Abuse Task Force
Keywords: Older people;Policy
Year: 2001
Publisher: Queensland Department of Families
Notes:  Overview: This 2001 Queensland initiative is a response to the growing problem of elder abuse among the state’s increasing population of older people.

Discussion: In February 2000, the Queensland Law Society (Inc) hosted a forum on elder abuse, which resulted in the formation of the Prevention of Elder Abuse Task Force (PEAT Force). The Task Force was made up of representatives from key government, community, legal and academic sector. It became their job to produce a strategic plan for the prevention of and responses to elder abuse in Queensland. This plan was designed in conjunction with community organisations and sets out five key result areas which may be used to achieve and measure the various sectors’ response to the issue of elder abuse.

The plan is designed to be adaptable, recognising that the five key areas are not all-embracing. PEAT Force will retain an ongoing role as a reference group and will work co-operatively with primary stakeholders to keep current with research, policy and practice initiatives in the prevention of elder abuse in Queensland.
Physical description: 30 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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