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Record ID: ed922097-9ce6-4c68-9319-02701ec43fa6
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Type: Report
Title: Young homeless people in Australia 2001-02 : a report from the SAAP national data collectionSAAP NDCA report
Authors: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Keywords: Statistics;Housing;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Notes:  AIHW Cat. No. HOU 87
Overview: Based on Australian research conducted by the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) National Data Collection Agency, this report provides information on young people from 12-24 years who are homeless or who are at risk of becoming homeless.

* a comparison of young SAAP clients to other sections of the Australian population in regards to geography, age and gender

* an examination of the characteristics of young people who use SAAP i.e. age, gender and cultural and linguistic diversity

This report also notes that for all reporting periods from 1997–98 to 2001–02 domestic violence was cited by young clients aged 18–24 years as the most common reason for seeking assistance.
ISBN: 9781740242813
Physical description: 93 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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