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Record ID: d4524473-b3ce-4ea7-9682-6b1d9268964d
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Type: Report
Title: Empowerment of immigrant and refugee women who are victims of violence in their intimate relationships : final report
Authors: Justice Institute of British Columbia
Keywords: Health;Refugee communities;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Criminal justice responses;Welfare
Categories: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Migrant / Refugee communities
Year: 2007
Publisher: Justice Institute of British Columbia, Vancouver
Notes:  General Overview: This Canadian report presents the findings of a research project that examined how the health, justice and social service systems can best support immigrant and refugee women experiencing domestic violence.

Discussion: This Canadian research aimed to enhance health, justice and social service understandings of the experiences of immigrant and refugee women affected by domestic violence, in order to identify empowering and disempowering aspects of service delivery and to develop recommendations to facilitate their empowerment. The research comprised in-depth interviews with 75 immigrant and refugee women and six focus groups with service providers.

Immigrant and refugee women experiencing domestic violence were found to have similar needs to Canadian-born women survivors; however, they also faced a unique set of specific needs related to their immigrant and newcomer status. The authors discuss key themes emerging from the research, including the multiplicity of needs expressed by immigrant and refugee women and the need for, and components of, comprehensive and caring service provision identified as facilitating their empowerment. The authors conclude with recommendations regarding further research and best practice towards the empowerment of immigrant and refugee women experiencing domestic violence.
Physical description: 106 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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