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Record ID: b06e06d3-7539-4af3-80b6-73640c4d0e8c
Type: Report
Title: The way forward : children, young people and domestic violence
Authors: Edwards, Judith
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Parenting;Pregnancy
Year: 2000
Publisher: Benevolent Society, Paddington
Notes:  Outlines the key features of the Early Intervention Service provided by the Benevolent Society to parents experiencing problems in pregnancy and/or the earlier years of parenting. The most common issues encountered by clients of the service are identified and the programs approach to domestic violence is explained in terms of the family and societal level response. Ongoing challenges faced by service providers are highlighted and some strategies for facilitating empathy in the parent-child relationship are suggested.
Physical description: 7p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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