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Record ID: dabfa59e-700d-4306-bdd2-69c6f99f6ce8
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Type: Report
Title: Injury in Western Australia - family violence : a review of best practice, stakeholder activity, legislation and recommendations
Authors: Gavin, Arem L
Palamara, Peter G
Keywords: Legal issues;Early intervention;Prevention;Risk factors;Criminal justice responses;Standards;Training
Year: 2003
Publisher: Western Australian Government, Perth
Notes:  Presents the objectives, methodology, findings and recommendations of a project directed at reviewing the activities of stakeholders, the role of existing legislation, and the influence of published best practice intervention guidelines in the field of family and domestic violence. A background to the incidence, prevalence and costs of violence-related injury is provided and the typology, extent of and risk factors associated with domestic and family violence are discussed. The activities of key stakeholders across Western Australia are then summarised and a range of preventative strategies adopted, such as the evaluation of home visitation, screening and mandatory reporting. Concludes by identifying some emerging issues for practitioners and future directions for research, policy and practice.
ISBN: 9781876999261
Physical description: 42 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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