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Record ID: d87ccc4b-d67f-47c8-8401-839c4d7aa102
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Type: Report
Title: Safe at home : a criminal justice framework for responding to family violence in Tasmania
Authors: Tasmanian Government Department of Justice and Industrial Relations
Keywords: Legal issues;Legislation analysis;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2003
Publisher: Tasmanian Government - Department of Justice and Industrial Relations
Notes:  This discussion or options paper considers the scope, extent and appropriateness of proposed new Family Violence legislation in Tasmania and explores a range of criminal justice services that might be utilised to facilitate its implementation. The strategy essentially promotes arrest, charge and prosecution of family violence offenders and sets up a range of legislative mechanisms to achieve this. A background to domestic and family violence in Tasmania and in other jurisdictions, and the various criminal justice responses that have been developed, is provided before some of the specific issues raised in the Tasmanian context are discussed. How the effectiveness of the new scheme will be evaluated is also outlined.
ISBN: 9780724648269
Physical description: 60 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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