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Record ID: 66c6cb40-9f5d-4cd1-b50a-1a0e9405a544
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Type: Report
Title: Child protection Australia 2001-02Child welfare series
Authors: Johnstone, Helen
Kelly, Susie
Keywords: Indigenous issues;Child protection
Population: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Citation: No. 32
Notes:  Individual sections of the report may be downloaded from the following website:
This child protection report provides information about children who come into contact with the community services departments of the States and Territories for protective reasons. The information is based on three national data collections: child protection notifications, investigations and substantiations; children on care and protection orders; and children in out-of-home care. Some of the points of interest in the report are an increase in the number of notifications in all jurisdictions except South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory, and in the number of substantiations. The quantity of children on care and protection orders and in out-of-home care augmented at a rate of around one thousand children per year. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children appeared over-represented in the child protection system.
Contents:  1. Background
2. Notifications, investigations and substantiations
3. Care and protection orders
4. Out-of-home care.
ISBN: 9781740242486
Physical description: xiii, 72 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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