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Record ID: 86be5589-72a8-4cbc-9eb3-e4637a5e2f28
Type: Report
Title: Choices and pathways for young women who are pregnant and parenting : supporting healthy relationships, education and training
Authors: Healy, Karen
Keywords: Pregnancy;Cross-cultural
Year: 2001
Publisher: Queensland. Dept. of Premier and Cabinet
Notes:  Aimed at identifying factors contributing to the vulnerability of young pregnant and parenting women to violence, poor education, lack of training and unemployment, this report provides an overview of current research on young parenting women and the social policy context within which services are provided before outlining the research methodology and findings of the current project. Ways in which partners, families, peers, professionals and the community generally can contribute to the greater social inclusion of young pregnant and parenting women are addressed and a model of practice proposed. Key principles identified by the model include self-determination, pathways for support, education and training, participation, recognition of violence in young women’s lives and recognition of cultural differences and sensitivities. The report concludes by providing a summary of the major lessons learnt throughout the project and a series of recommendations for future programme development.
Physical description: 31 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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