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Record ID: d9aa0fc0-0e90-4007-a482-3ae1272f5aa3
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Type: Report
Title: Family violence in Canada : a statistical profile 2002Family violence in Canada : a statistical profile
Authors: Trainor, Catherine
Keywords: Men as victims;Older people;Specialist courts;Homicide;Statistics;Policing;Child protection
Categories: Statistics
Year: 2002
Publisher: Statistics Canada
Notes:  Comprehensive report produced annually by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. This report has a special focus on the impacts and consequences of family violence to male and female victims. The report also provides the most recent police-reported and homicide data on the prevalence of spousal violence, abuse of older adults and child abuse. It examines the decline in rates of spousal homicides since 1974 and discusses the possible factors associated with this decline, including declining marriage rates among young adults, increasing gender equity, the rising availability of domestic violence services and policy responses, such as “pro” prosecuting and charging, legislative change, civil protections and specialised domestic violence courts.
Contents:  Highlights
1: Measuring family violence
2: Spousal violence
3: Abuse of older adults by family members
4: Violence against children and youth by family members
Data sources
Physical description: 49 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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