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Record ID: d53b052a-b518-4f9a-a7ba-77e7b8a80a15
Type: Report
Title: Current perspectives on domestic violence : a review of national and international literature. Meta Evaluation of the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Authors: Strategic Partners Pty Ltd in collaboration with the Research Centre for Gender Studies, University of South Australia
Keywords: Overview
Year: 1999
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  This literature review is the first product of the Meta Evaluation of the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence initiative. Report provides a framework to identify benchmarks for the range of innovative projects being undertaken by Partnerships. These include research, good practice models and education.
Contents:  1: Introduction
2: Research and evaluation of responses to domestic violence in Australia
3: Meta Evaluation and domestic violence policy
4: The recognition and emergence of domestic violence as a social and medical problem in Western countries
5: The emergence of responses to domestic violence in Australia
6: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence priority themes
6.2: Working with adults to break patterns of violence - working with victims and violent men
6.3: Working with the community, educating against violence
6.4: Protection through the law
6.5: Information and best practice
6.6: Helping People in rural and remote communities
7: Co-ordinated approaches
8: Conclusions
ISBN: 9780642487032
Physical description: 33 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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