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Record ID: 24f41f83-47a5-4135-b0ea-f87b1d5d86e8
Type: Report
Title: How can the literature inform implementation of action area 13 of Te rito? : public education & awareness
Authors: Hamerton, Heather
Fortune, Clare-Ann
Hassall, Ian
Davies, Emma
Moeller, Ida
Keywords: Community education;Prevention
Year: 2003
Publisher: Ministry of Health : Ministry of Social Development
Notes:  General Overview: This report provides an international literature review and analysis about what is known about the effectiveness of violence prevention programs in New Zealand.

Objective: This report was commissioned to inform the implementation of Action Area 13: Public education/awareness of The New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy, Te Rito.

Discussion:The literature review considers what is known about violence prevention programs in New Zealand. It examines the theories of change, structural issues, parenting programs, sexual abuse prevention programs, elder abuse programs, mass media campaigns and community development programs.

It makes recommendations for an ideal matrix of programs to be implemented, with particular efforts to reach high risk groups, such as substance abusers, the poor and those with mental health problems.
Physical description: 114 p. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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